Frequently Asked Questions


Information about acupuncture…

Acupuncture is a physical process of bringing harmony back to the body by restoring the natural flow of energy, oxygen & circulation to re-engage the body's natural self-healing function. Acupuncture is the action of inserting incredibly fine, sterile & disposable, hair-thin surgical steel needles below the skin into specific sites on the body pathways known as acupuncture points. The idea is to elicit the movement of Qi (which can be thought of as oxygen, blood flow, and circulation). Each acupuncture point runs along an energetic pathway called a meridian or channel, and has a specific function to effect physiological change in the body. Acupuncture has been shown to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, regulate the nervous system, and help restore the normal functioning of the body. Acupuncture has the added effect of calming the mind and nurturing emotional balance while promoting deep relaxation. Because of the systemic effect, this medicine has the ability to treat a wide range of ailments.

What can acupuncture & herbal medicine treat?

  • Pain, or inflammation in the body: any kind of pain

  • Musculoskeletal disorders: back pain, neck pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, TMJ, trigger finger, & any joint/tendon/ligament/muscular issues

  • Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, emotional issues

  • Gynecological issues: fertility, painful periods, hormone irregularities, PMS, menopause symptoms

  • Immune support: autoimmune issues & disorders

  • Respiratory disorders: asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coughs, cold, and flu

  • Addiction: alcohol, tobacco, substances, etc.

  • Digestive disorders: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, acid reflux, IBS, etc.

  • Neurological disorders; headaches, migraines, dizziness, bell's palsy, neuralgia, post-stroke, trigeminal neuralgia

  • Fatigue and discomfort associated with chemotherapy

  • Circulatory disorders: high blood pressure, cholesterol, hypertension, and circulation problems

  • Urogenital disorders: urinary tract infection, incontinence, and impotence

What are tuning forks?


Tuning forks are noninvasive, precisely calibrated two pronged metal acoustic resonators that utilize harmonic sound vibrations based on the orbital properties of the planets. The tuning forks are struck on an activator and then placed directly to acupressure points on the body or held near points on the body to access the energy pathways. The sound waves of the tuning forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along these pathways helping to harmonize the effects of the treatment. These energetic waves positively affect the body’s physiology by regulating our biological rhythms and circadian clock, and allowing for our system to re-sync with the natural cycles around us. The tuning forks also support balancing the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting mental and spiritual wellbeing. The sound healing therapy treatment is extremely relaxing, calming and grounding. The idea of the tuning fork session is to bring our bodies back into a state of homeostasis and optimal functioning.

What to expect during & after treatment…

During your acupuncture treatment it is common to experience any number of sensations, such as tingling or a sense of heaviness in the body, and a deep feeling of relaxation. Many patients fall asleep during their acupuncture treatment. Depending upon your constitution and particular complaint I will recommend a course of treatment that may require multiple visits. Acupuncture's effectiveness is cumulative, and patience may be necessary especially if dealing with a long-term, chronic condition. Most acute conditions can be resolved quicker.

Things to keep in mind before your treatment…

  • Try to avoid caffeine within 2 hours of your appointment.

  • It's best to have something light to eat an hour or so before your treatment, avoid being too hungry or too full during your treatment.

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows access to your arms, legs, shoulders and torso.

  • Please inform the acupuncturist of pregnancy, issues w/fainting, any sensitivity to needles or allergies, and any medications that could interfere with treatment.